The Friends of Garrett Park are a group of dedicated individuals who are working together to restore and revive an area in south Baltimore called Brooklyn. There is much history in the park, including it being the location of the original town center prior to its annexation by the city.
In the last 30 years, Garrett Park has gone into decline as has the neighborhood surrounding it. However, the people who grew up there remember the park as a haven with an awesome view of the skyline of Baltimore. With its venerable trees and archaeological hints of the past, Garrett Park is in position for a revival.
I did not grow up in Brooklyn, but I truly appreciate the efforts of people who refuse to accept decline and I love being part of the revival. I have created any visuals needed to promote the progress to include: event flyers, logos, and a community newsletter. Currently, I am building a website and will post a link when it is published. This is as very fulfilling project.

The Friends of Garrett Park website is an image heavy WordPress site that I maintain with content I manage. Garrett Park is rich with history and is destined for a rebirth as the central point of celebration and communion in the Brooklyn community. I created the site to offer what is needed, in terms of information, but can remain flexible enough to change as needed. The purpose of the site is to inform the community and motivate the members to participate in the changes which are taking place.

The Brooklyn neighborhood of Baltimore's 100 year anniversary!
Although Brooklyn was established as an incorporated city by 1860, the land south of Baltimore city on the banks of the Patapsco River proved valuable to the ship industry. Some of the deepest points of the river lay in front of Brooklyn and Curtis Bay.
This and Baltimore’s need to remain in the top ten cities (by population) on the east coast led to Brooklyn’s annexation in 1919.
To celebrate this, a festival is being planned and will take place in Garrett Park on the 28th of September.
This is one piece of collateral I have created for the event.
The round FOGP logo, the Bee Logo, and the “Brooklyn” font were all created by me. The font is based on a font found in a publication dated 1880 in Baltimore.