A Portoilio of

Graphic and Web Design

This is a promo site for a novel with a conspiracy theory theme.
I included redactions, which can be read at hover, and used a typewriter typeface for the appearance of a government report. I built this site from the ground up.

This site reflects a collaborative experience in the form of a Design Sprint. It is presented as sequential art to enhance the storytelling/narrative element. The illustrations were done in pen and ink and additions were created in ILLUSTRATOR. The site was built from the ground up.

I have been doing template management and maintaining content and design for the Baltimore Snap website. This is a WordPress site, which showcases the coverage of Baltimore’s social scene, and has evolved quite a bit since I have been involved. I work in collaboration with writers and other content providers. In addition to frontend development, I provide Graphics and contribute Digital Photography. The above screenshots display the Home page as well as graphic and photography examples. 

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